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  • Writer's pictureLisakanya Ashley Venna

EFF Western Cape Provincial Manifesto launch

The Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) has set the standard very high in promises of providing stipends for unemployed graduates, subsidise the taxi industry and increase social grants.

The EFF president, Julias Malema addressed the community of the Western Cape in Gugulethu for his manifesto launch.

The supporters of the EFF showed up in numbers at the Gugulethu Stadium, which he regards as a park "This thing does not qualify to be called a stadium", to show support and listen to the promises made by their leader.

Malema did not miss the chance to criticize the Democratic Alliance about failing to combat crime in the Western Cape and call them out for being racist. He further went on to encourage South Africans to continue making babies " make babies, and if they ask you who will provide for those children, tell them that Malema will provide".

Malema's manifesto also included the sharing of land, claiming once he is in leadership all the farmers will have to share their farms because it is too big for one person to run. He also set the record straight about letting foreigners stay in South Africa, he does not intend on making them leave " If you are xenophobic, then you take your vote somewhere else".

He closed it of with a powerful statement saying, "If I can only liberate 3 people out of a thousand Croud then I will die a happy man."


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