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  • Writer's pictureLisakanya Ashley Venna

Born to lead.

Nonela Ganyile, a CPUT Alumnus: Photo taken online

The Cape Peninsula University of Technology is home to thousands of students and has continued to produce and shape exceptional alumnus across borders. One the Alumnus is Nonela Ganyile who has committed herself in her studies and bought about political change in CPUT and has removed numerous obstacles faced by students.

Background of Nonela Ganyile.

Nonela Ganyile is a 31year old female CPUT Alumnus and SRC member/Politician who was born and bred in the spectacular coastline of the Eastern Cape, Bizana on the 14th of May 1992(Ntotho;2022). She is the second born in a family that consists of four members, her siblings and her mother who is a single parent. Although she was the loudest in the family, her story and her leadership skills started grow and blossom in university.


Ms Ganyile completed her matric in Dalindyebo secondary school in the Eastern Cape, Bizana in 2010. In 2011, she went on to further her studies and started at the Walter Sisulu University in Ibika Campus where she did her diploma in construction and graduated in 2015. Her education journey continued by studying and graduating in Cape Peninsula University of Technology when she studied bachelor's in technology in quantity survey. in 2019 she took a Btech in construction management course at CPUT and she is currently completing her master's in construction management.

Political Career.

Ms Ganyile is well known for her leadership skills in CPUT as well as leadership footprints she has left in previous institutions. She started as an academic officer at WSU from 2014 to 2015. She went on to become a DSG of the Pan Africanist Student Movement of Azania (PASMA) since 2018 in CPUT. She is a student leader as well as a politician who has dedicated her time in effort in serving as a central Student Representative Council (SRC) secretary-general as well as the National Executive Committee (NEC) member of the South African Union of students (SAUS) at CPUT from 2019. Her hunger for knowledge is seen in her continuous will to further her studies and make her people proud( Ntotho; 2022).

She has since been the voice of the voiceless, a fighter for the rights and wellbeing of students and has always made it a point that no student goes to bed in an empty stomach under her watch. She fights battles that seems to be too tough for students, wherever she is politically involved she ensures that students get help academically, financially and find residence. Ms Ganyile sees herself as a Pan Africanist woman and advocate for students, particularly those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with disabilities. Ms Ganyile has had a major impact on the lives of many students in CPUT, her contributions go beyond advocating in the boardroom and being a fighter on the ground, which is why she has earned the title of being a 'mother' by CPUT students.

Studies show that in every South African University, including CPUT, students face funding issues, unpaid student debt, electricity issues due to loadshedding, social unrest and gender-based violence to mention a few (Van der Merwe; 2022) but with students like Ms Ganyile, who not only have the responsibility of finishing their studies in record time, but also partake in creating a better learning environment for other fellow students, there is hope that the number of problems in the statics decreases. In my opinion, this is an exceptional young woman with a heart of gold, her ability to help hundreds of students without expecting anything in return is commendable.

"I have continuously dedicated my life to the struggle of the poor as guided by Pan Africanism and its pillars" when asked about her inspirations and source of strength, Ms Ganyile did not hesitate to say "I look up to my mum, a God -fearing woman, a prayer warrior who survived heavy storms and always rises like a phoenix. She has taught me and my siblings the importance of education, to believe in ourselves and unconditional love. Secondly, I draw inspiration from women like Clara Zetkin who teaches us about the importance of women in the struggle of liberation and who dedicated her life advancing the struggle for women liberation and equal opportunities" (Fredericks; 2021).

In conclusion, Nonela Ganyile has a beautiful history of being the hope of the students and with a strong foundation of strength and wisdom which she draws from her mother, there is no doubt that students of CPUT are in good hands as long as she continues to lead against all odds.


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