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  • Writer's pictureLisakanya Ashley Venna

AI replaces human.

AI flying autonomous robots that can work for 24hours a day.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) keeps on getting better and better! It has now wormed its way on

the agricultural sector, replacing humans in their jobs.

Farmers have now been introduced to the laser weeder from carbon robotics, it can run all day without any breaks, food or water. It uses AI laser system which Kills millions of weeds with sub millimetre accuracy at the merry stem before they start competing with water, nutrients and sunlight. Not only would farmers get the all-important organic label because there is no need to spray herbicides and chemicals, but the soil is not disturbed by weeding mechanically, the issues is that these were job that hum used to do.

Another addition to farming by AI is the drone fruit pickers from Tevol Aerobotics, these autonomous robots also run 24/7 and use cutting edge AI, machine learning algorithms and computer vision. They also pick the fruits when they are perfectly ready for harvesting and their harvesting technique lowers the amount of damaged when placing the fruit in buckets but once more these were jobs that human relayed on for survival.

"Farmers try to hire American workers, but there are not many takers- and those who do take farm jobs often quit before the season is over" said AFBF President Zippy Duvall

even tough AI is the solution for many problems, but it has proven to only benefit its owner and disadvantage workers from all fields.


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